Advocacy and Training Alliance is committed to being an ongoing resource, reference, and guide for the professional treatment community. If you do not find the answer you need, please contact us and we will be in touch promptly.
Provider Directory
Advocacy and Training Alliance maintains a directory of providers who are credentialed in providing care to youth and families who experience sexual abuse.
Assessment / Treatment Links
Advocacy and Training Alliance continues to identify best practices within the field of working with youth and their families. Here are a few quick links that may be of assistance when working with youth. Such websites contain information created, published, maintained, or otherwise posted by institutions or organizations independent of Advocacy and Training Alliance.
- ATSA - Association for the Treatment & Prevention of Sexual Abusers
- NEARI Press
- Safer Society Foundation Inc.
- STOP IT NOW! - Circles of Safety.
- TF-CBT - Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Youth Needs and Progress Scale
- PROFESOR - Protective + Risk Observations For Eliminating Sexual Offense Recidivism
- JSORRAT-II - Juvenile Sexual Offense Recidivism Risk Assessment Tool - II
- MEGA ♪ - Multiplex Empirically Guided Inventory of Ecological Aggregates for Assessing Sexually Abusive Children and Adolescents (Ages 4-19)
- MIDSA - Multidimensional Inventory of Development, Sex, and Aggression
Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct
The following Professional Ethics and Code of Conduct was established in August 2004, adopted in June 2005 and subsequently updated in 2011, 2014 and 2022.
All those with the CSAYC are required to sign an attestation to follow the code.
The Advocacy and Training Alliance Professional (herein referred to as the Credential Professional) shall behave in a legal, ethical, and moral manner in the conduct of their profession, maintaining integrity and avoiding any behavior that would cause or potentially cause harm to others in the present or future.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R1.1 The Credentialed Professional will obey all laws and statutes of the legal jurisdiction in which they practice.
R1.2 The Credentialed Professional will understand and abide by the Advocacy and Training Alliance, LLC (formerly known as Indiana Association of Juvenile Sexual Offender Practitioners, IN-AJSOP) Rules of Conduct described in this code.
R1.3 The Credentialed Professional will be familiar with and observe the legal limitations of the services they offer clients. They will discuss these limitations with the clients and/or legal guardians they serve in order to facilitate open and honest communications and avoid unrealistic expectations/outcomes.
R1.4 The Credentialed Professional will be familiar with the legal parameters relevant to their practice as well as the possible disparities that may exist between legally mandated clinical standards and professions Code of Ethics. When disparities exist, Credential Professional will follow the legal mandates of the jurisdiction in which they practice and formally communicate such disparities to the Ethics Committee of the Advocacy and Training Alliance, LLC. Indiana Association of Juvenile Sexual Offender Practitioners (IN-JSOP). In the absence of any legal guidelines, the Code of Ethics is binding.
R1.5 The Credentialed Professional will not engage in any acts of omission or dishonesty or any other acts of a deceitful or fraudulent nature in their professional duties. The Credentialed Professional will not allow the pursuit of personal benefit or financial gain to interfere with the exercise of professional judgment. The Credentialed Professional will not abuse the relationship with a client to promote their personal or financial gain of that of an employer. The Credentialed Professional should not permit their private conduct to interfere with their ability to fulfill their professional responsibilities.
R1.6 The Credentialed Professional will not advocate, sanction, participate in, cause to be accomplished, carry out through another, or condone any act which they themselves are prohibited from performing by the Code of Ethics.
R1.7 Moral and ethical behaviors are a personal matter for the Credentialed Professional to the same degree as they are for any other citizen - except when they would interfere with client values and/or standards of this Code. The Credentialed Professional will make clear distinctions between statements made and actions engaged in as a private individual and as a representative of the Advocacy and Training Alliance, LLC.
R1.8 The Credentialed Professional will respect the rights and reputation of any agency, institution, or organization with which they are associated when making oral or written statements. In those instances where they are critical of policies, they will attempt to create change through constructive action within the organization or agency.
R1.9 The Credentialed Professional will refuse to participate in any employment practices that are inconsistent with moral and legal standards regarding the treatment of employees or the public. The Credentialed Professional will not condone such practices that result in illegal or otherwise unjustifiable discrimination on any basis in hiring, promotion or training.
R1.10 The Credentialed Professional will accept responsibility of employment only on the basis of existing competencies or the intention to acquire the necessary competence.
R1.11 The Credentialed Professional should not allow their own personal problems, psychological distress, legal problems, substance abuse, or mental health difficulties to interfere with their professional judgment and performance or jeopardize the best interests of people for whom they have a professional responsibility; if problems interfere, then the Credentialed Professional should immediately seek consultation and take appropriate remedial action.
R1.12 The Credentialed Professional shall accurately represent their current qualifications and credentials and shall correct any misrepresentations of their qualifications and credentials by others and shall not allow such information to be used in a misleading way.
R1.13 The Credentialed Professional who practices in multiple settings (e.g. agencies and private practice settings) shall not increase their private practices by referring clients from the setting of contact unless a specific prior arrangement with authorized individuals from the agency or group settings. In such situations, the clients shall be instructed of their right to request to be referred to another professional in the original setting of contact.
R1.14 The Credentialed Professional will take reasonable steps to avoid harming their client, students, supervisees, field instruction participants, organizational clients, and others with whom they work, and to minimize harm where it is foreseeable and unavoidable.
R1.15 When the Credentialed Professional agree to provide services to a person or entity at the request of a third party, the Credentialed Professional will attempt to clarify at the onset of the service the nature of the relationship with all individuals or organizations involved. This clarification includes the role of the Credentialed Professional (e.g. therapist, consultant, diagnostician, or expert witness), an identification of who is the client, the probably uses of the services provided, or the information obtained, and the fact that there may be limits to confidentiality.
R1.16 The Credentialed Professional delivering services to or through organizations provide information beforehand to clients when appropriate those directly affected by the services about (1) the nature and objectives of the services, (2) the intended recipients, (3) which of the individuals are clients, (4) the relationship the Credentialed Professional will have with each person and the organization, (5) the probable use of services provided and information obtained, (6) who will have access to the information, and (7) limits of confidentiality. As soon as feasible, they provide information about the results and conclusions of such services to appropriate persons. If the Credentialed Professional will be precluded by law or by organizational roles from providing such information to particular individuals or groups, they will inform those individuals or groups at the onset of the services.
R1.17 Any Credentialed Professional or pending Credentialed Professional with a felony conviction that reflects adversely upon the individual's fitness to provide professional services or conduct, then the professional must disclose the conviction and disposition upon applying for or renewing Credentialed Professional credentials with Advocacy and Training Alliance, LLC.
R1.18 No Credentialed Professional shall engage in illegal behavior that reflects adversely on the Credentialed Professional's fitness to provide professional services or professional tasks.
The Credentialed Professional shall respect the dignity and integrity of the client and protect the welfare of the individuals and groups with whom they work. The primary obligation of the Credentialed Professional is to the client and all activities shall be considered as to the client's best interest as the number one priority.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R2.1 The Credentialed Professional will communicate in clear terms to the client and/or legal guardian The purposes and goals of the practitioner - client interactions and any limitations that may affect the professional relationship.
R2.2 The Credentialed Professional will not misrepresent their role or their competencies to clients. If requested, the Credentialed Professional will provide information regarding their credentials and will refer clients to other specialists as their needs dictate.
R2.3 The Credentialed Professional will be aware of their own needs and values as well as of their potential influence over clients and others such as employees, subordinates, students. The Credentialed Professional will avoid exploiting the trust or dependency of any person. The Credentialed Professional will make every effort to avoid dual relationships that could impair their professional judgment or increase the risk of exploitation. Examples of dual relationships include but are not limited to treatment of employees or their family members, students, supervisors, friends or relatives.
R2.4 Sexual intimacy including sexual activities, inappropriate sexual communications through the use of technology or in person, or sexual contact with a current or former client or client's relatives or other individuals the client maintains a close personal relationship with is unethical and is prohibited by the Code. The Credentialed Professional should not provide clinical services to individuals with whom they have had a prior sexual relationship.
R2.5 The Credentialed Professional will not sexually harass clients by sexual advances, sexual solicitation, requests for sexual favor and other verbal, written, electronic or physical contact of a sexual manner.
R2.6 The Credentialed Professional should not engage in physical contact with clients when there is a possibility of psychological harm to the client, instead set clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern physical contact. The Credentialed Professional will not engage in derogatory language in written, verbal or electronic communication to or about clients.
R2.7 The Credentialed Professional will respect and honor the rights of clients to consent to treatment. The Credentialed Professional will inform clients or their guardians of any factors that may affect the decision to participate in treatment and they will obtain written consent for treatment once these individuals are fully informed of these factors. The Credentialed Professional who works with minors or other individuals who are not able to give informed voluntary consent will take special care to protect the interest of these clients.
R2.8 The Credentialed Professional will recognize that the family is an important factor in the client's treatment and will strive to enlist their understanding and participation as appropriate to assist the client in meeting agreed upon treatment goals. The Credentialed Professional conducting services with more than on client at a time (e.g., group or family counseling) shall discuss with clients the nature, the rights and responsibilities as well as the possibly additional limitations of the confidentiality. The Credentialed Professional shall also describe the steps that they will take in the event that having multiple clients in session creates issues between or concerning clients.
R2.9 The Credentialed Professional provides therapeutic, teaching, consultation, research, and supervisory services only within the context of an agency or organization's policies and procedures for staff management and staff supervision. The Credentialed Professional may only act as an independent professional if the Credentialed Professional possesses an active behavioral health license in the State of Indiana that allows the parameters of private practice.
R2.10 When providing assessment, evaluation, treatment, counseling, supervision, consulting or other related services, the Credentialed Professional will use language that is fully understandable to the recipient of those services.
R2.11 The Credentialed Professional will not engage in discrimination against individuals or groups based on age, gender identity or expression, race, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, political belief, immigration status, religion, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, socioeconomic status, or any other basis proscribed by law.
R2.12 Where differences in age, gender identity or expression, race, sexuality, ethnicity, national origin, marital status, political belief, immigration status, religion, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, or socioeconomic status significantly affect the Credentialed Professional's work, the Credentialed Professional will obtain the proper training, experience, consultation or supervision necessary to ensure their competencies or they will make an appropriate referral.
R2.13 The Credentialed Professional does not knowingly engage in behavior that is harassing or demeaning to persons with whom they interact based on factors such as age, gender identity or expression, race, sexuality, ethnicity, national origin, religion, marital status, political belief, immigration status, physical and mental ability, language, or socioeconomic status.
R2.14 The Credentialed Professional recognizes that their personal problems and conflicts may interfere with their effectiveness as a treatment provider. The Credentialed Professional will refrain from providing services when their personal circumstances may compromise the delivery of quality services.
R2.15 The Credentialed Professional makes reasonable efforts to plan the facilitation of ongoing services in the event that the Credentialed Professional's services are interrupted by factors such as personal illness, relocation, termination of employment, unavailability or financial limitations.
R2.16 The Credentialed Professional does not abandon clients. The Credentialed Professional terminates a professional relationship when it becomes clear that the client is no longer benefiting from services, is no longer in need of services, or is being harmed by continued services.
R2.17 The Credentialed Professional who uses technology to provide services should comply with the laws governing technology and clinical practice in the jurisdiction they are regulated and located and, as applicable, in the jurisdiction in which the client is located.
R2.18 The Credentialed Professional who uses technology to provide services should assess the clients' suitability and capacity for electronic and remote services. If the clients do not wish to use services provided through technology, then Credentialed Professional will aid in finding alternative methods of service.
R2.19 The Credentialed Professional will not utilize electronic search on the client.
R2.20 The Credentialed Professional will not communicate with the clients using social media technology (e.g., such as social networking sites, online chat rooms, etc.)
R2.21 The Credentialed Professional will make reasonable efforts to ensure continuity of service in the event that services are interrupted by factors such as unavailability, disruptions in electronic communication, relocation, illness, mental or physical ability or death. The Credentialed Professional will also terminate service in a professional manner and will avoid abandoning clients who are still in need of services.
R2.22 The Credentialed Professional will terminate therapy when it becomes reasonably clear that the client no longer needs services, is not likely to benefit, or is being harmed by continued services. The Credentialed Professional may terminate therapy when threatened or otherwise endangered by the client or another person with whom the client has relationship. Except where precluded by the actions of the clients or third-party payors, prior to termination Credentialed Professional provide pretermination counseling and suggest alternative service providers as appropriate.
R2.23 Credentialed Professional who serve a client of a colleague during a temporary absence or emergency shall serve that client with the same consideration they afford to their own clients.
The Credentialed Professional shall serve as advocates for bio-psycho-social treatment of youth exhibiting sexually harmful or sexually aggressive/assaultive behaviors.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R3.1 The Credentialed Professional is obligated to promote access to treatment for youth in need of specialized treatment services including transportation, program development, and community communication so that clients will not be excluded from treatment opportunities.
R3.2 The Credentialed Professional will strive to eliminate attitudinal barriers, including stereotyping and discrimination toward youth manifesting sexually maladaptive behaviors.
R3.3 The Credentialed Professional will be aware of all actions taken by cooperating agencies and professionals and will act as an advocate for clients to ensure quality care and effective service delivery. The Credentialed Professional is made aware that the client is receiving additional mental health services from other professionals shall discuss with the client the importance of developing clear agreements wot avoid client confusion and conflict. Following this discussion, the Credentialed Professional shall request the client's written consent to inform the other professional(s) of the counseling relationship and to collaborate on the provision of mental health services. This discussion and the client's response to the request shall be documented in the client's record.
R3.4 The Credentialed Professional shall not allow personal feelings related to a client's crimes or behaviors to interfere with professional judgment and objectivity. When a Credentialed Professional cannot offer the highest quality service to a client for any reason, the Credentialed Professional shall seek supervision or peer consultation to address and resolve concerns and/or make a proper referral.
The Credentialed Professional shall act with integrity and professionalism in their relationships with colleagues, organizations, agencies, institutions, and referring sources in order to provide clients the opportunity for positive treatment outcomes.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R4.1 The Credentialed Professional will promptly supply all information needed for a cooperating agency or professional to serve a client as authorized by the client and/or guardian. The Credentialed Professional may participate in an interdisciplinary team and should contribute to decisions that affect the wellbeing of the clients. If a team decision raises ethical concerns, the Credential Professional should attempt to resolve the disagreement through appropriate channels.
R4.2 The Credentialed Professional will not knowingly offer professional treatment services to a client who is receiving such services from another provider without first notifying the previous provider and requesting exit information/activities be accomplished.
R4.3 The Credentialed Professional will not discuss the competency of other providers or agencies in a disparaging way with clients, the client's family, or other professionals working with the client. The Credentialed Professional will avoid unwarranted negative criticism of other providers or agencies in verbal, written or electronic communications. The Credentialed Professional will cooperate with colleagues, other provider, and agencies when cooperation services the well-being of the clients.
R4.4 The Credentialed Professional will not use their professional relationship with supervisors, colleagues, students, or employees to exploit them sexually, will not engage in sexual activities or contact (including verbal, written, electronic, or physical contact) or engage in nor condone sexually harassing behaviors.
R4.5 The Credentialed Professional who becomes aware of an ethics violation by another Credentialed Professional will attempt to resolve the issue informally with that Credentialed Professional provided that the misconduct is minor in nature and appears to be due to lack of sensitivity, knowledge, or experience. If the violation is more severe in nature and not amenable to informal resolution, the Credentialed Professional will bring the violation to the attention of the agency involved, Advocacy and Training Alliance, LLC, Child Protective Services, or other governing bodies as appropriate.
R4.6 Credentialed Professional who employ or supervise students or other professionals will provide or ensure appropriate and safe working conditions, timely evaluations, constructive consultation and training, professional support, and suitable professional experience opportunities to facilitate professional development.
R4.7 The Credentialed Professional who has direct knowledge of other professionals who are impaired, or incompetent or display unethical conduct, and interfere with practicing effectiveness should consult that professional when feasible, if not feasible then the Credential Professional will act through the appropriate channels established by their employer, agency, licensing and regulatory body, and other professional organization.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R5.1 The Credentialed Professional will not accept a fee or any other form of compensation for their work from clients/guardians when clients are entitled to their services through an agency, institution or other benefits structure. The Credentialed Professional generally shall not accept goods or services form clients in recognition of the possible negative effects, including perceived exploitation. The Credentialed Professional shall not accept gifts form clients except in cases when it is culturally appropriate or therapeutically relevant because of potential confusion that may arise. The Credentialed Professional shall consider the value of the gift and the effect on the therapeutic relationship when contemplating acceptance. This consideration should be documented in the client's record.
R5.2 The Credentialed Professional will neither give nor receive commissions, rebates or any other form of remuneration when referring clients for professional treatment nor shall any Credentialed Professional offer financial compensation or other gifts in attempt to solicit business or services.
R5.3 The Credentialed Professional who describes services to the public will present such information fairly and accurately, avoiding misrepresentation through sensationalism, exaggeration or superficiality. The Credentialed Professional is guided by their obligation to aid the public to form valid opinions and make informed choices and judgments.
R5.4 Public statements include but are not limited to paid or unpaid advertising, product endorsements, grant applications, licensing applications, other credentialing applications, brochures, printed matter, directory listings, personal resumes or curricula vitae, or comments for use in media such as print or electronic transmission, statements in legal proceedings, lectures and public oral presentations, and published materials. Credentialed Professional do not knowingly make public statements that are false, deceptive, or fraudulent concerning their research, practice or other work activities or those of persons or organizations with which they are affiliated.
Credentialed Professional do not make false, deceptive, or fraudulent statements concerning (1) their training, experience or competence; (2) their academic degree; (3) their credentials; (4) their institutional or association affiliations; (5) their services; (6) the scientific or clinical basis for, or results or degree of success of, their services; (7) their fees; or (8) their publications or research findings.
Credentialed Professional claim degrees as credentials for their health services only if those degrees (1) were earned from a regionally accredited educational institution or (2) were the basis for professional licensure by the state in which they practice.
R5.5 To the degree to which they exercise control, Credentialed Professional responsible for announcements, catalogs, brochures, or advertisements describing workshops, seminars, or other non-degree-granting educational programs ensure that they accurately describe the audience for which the program is intended, the educational objectives, the presenters, and the fees involved.
R5.6 All professional presentations and advertising shall be based on accurate information and, whenever possible, support by scientific literature.
Credentialed Professional shall refrain from public presentations, testimony, and/or advertising that produces unrealistic expectations, brings about lack of confidence, or harms the community.
Credentialed Professional shall refrain from use of a name, professional affiliation, or credential in a way that is false or could be misleading.
Credential Professional shall indicate any limitations to their practice, including any requirements for the Credentialed Professional's supervision.
Credentialed Professional shall not represent their affiliation with any organization or agency in a manner that falsely implies membership or certification by that organization or agency.
The Credentialed Professional shall respect the confidentiality of information obtained from clients or guardians in the course of their work.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R6.1 The Credentialed Professional will inform clients and guardians of the limits of confidentiality at the onset of the treatment relationship.
R6.2 The Credentialed Professional will take reasonable action, inform responsible parties, or warn persons at risk of harm if a client indicates or the client's condition indicates that there is a clear and imminent danger to another. The Credentialed Professional will take such action only after informing the client of what must be done.
R6.3 The Credentialed Professional will not forward any confidential information or protected health information to another person, agency or potential employer without the written permission of the client and the guardian.
R6.4 The Credentialed Professional will take all reasonable efforts to safeguard client information in the maintenance, storage and disposal of client records.
R6.5 The Credentialed Professional will obtain written consent from clients and their legal guardians prior to taking pictures, videotaping or otherwise recording the client. In the event a guardian gives permission against the client's wishes, the Credentialed Professional will not act against the client's wishes.
R6.6 The Credentialed Professional will persist in claiming the privileged status of confidential information obtained from clients where communications between the Credentialed Professional and the client have been afforded privileged status under the law.
R6.7 The Credentialed Professional will communicate limits of confidentiality when disclosure is necessary to prevent serious, foreseeable, and imminent harm to a client or others. The Credentialed Professional will not discuss confidential information in public or semipublic areas. The Credentialed Professional will use safeguards when using electronic communications such as email and text messages. The Credentialed Professional will take reasonable precautions to protect client confidentiality at all times.
R.6.8 The Credentialed Professional shall comply with mandatory reporting laws and statues. No part of this Code of Ethics shall be construed as releasing Credentialed Professional from these obligations. Credentialed Professional shall inform clients that they will comply with mandatory reporting requirements.
The Credentialed Professional shall promote the welfare of clients in the selection, use, and interpretation of assessment measures as they pertain to the treatment process.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R7.1 The Credentialed Professional who administers, scores, interprets, or otherwise uses behavioral assessment techniques/measures does so only within the competencies of their profession and in a manner consistent with the research or other evidence of the usefulness of the measure.
R7.2 Credentialed Professional assessments, recommendations, reports, and related statements are based on information and techniques sufficient to provide substantiation for their findings/statements. The Credentialed Professional shall accurately report test and assess results and limit conclusions to those based on evidence, taking into consideration any influences that may affect results such as health, motivation and multicultural factors. The Credentialed Professional will not make decisions or give clinical impressions of the case based only on a single test or assessment result.
R7.3 The Credentialed Professional recognizes the limits for which judgments or predictions can be made about individuals. The Credentialed Professional shall note in the results and interpretations when tests and assessment are not administered under standard conditions or when unusual behavior or irregularities occur during testing sessions. The Credentialed Professional shall not misrepresent a test or the results and shall provide accurate information.
R7.4 The Credentialed Professional develops a treatment plan based on behavior change principles and includes in the treatment plan an evaluation strategy for the effects of treatment. The Credentialed Professional involves the client and family in the planning of the treatment program.
R7.5 The Credentialed Professional recommends behavior intervention and relationship-building strategies in treatment rather than punishment whenever possible. When negative reinforcement or punishment is necessary, the Credentialed Professional ensures that all other positive reinforcement strategies have been exhausted or are otherwise ineffective.
R7.6 The Credentialed Professional ensures that all clients are treated with dignity and respect in the treatment process and that they are informed of and able to exercise their rights as clients.
R7.7 The Credentialed Professional shall work collaboratively with the clients in the creation of written plans of treatment that offer attainable goals and use appropriate techniques consistent with the client's psychological and physical needs and abilities.
R7.8 The Credentialed Professional shall update the client's record throughout the counseling relationship when changes occur in the treatment plan, including those relating to goals, roles and techniques. The Credentialed Professional shall obtain the client's written approval on such updates.
R7.9 The Credentialed Professional ensures that all treatment interventions or recommended changes to the treatment plan are explained to the client and guardian. The Credentialed Professional ensures that treatment interventions are only utilized when the client and/or guardian agrees to the plan or plan changes.
R7.10 The Credentialed Professional functions as part of a multidisciplinary team whenever possible. The Credentialed Professional ensures that the treatment plan is reviewed on a regular basis by all treatment professionals involved with the client.
R7.11 The Credentialed Professional shall limit use of tests and assessment tools to those that are current, specifically necessary for the provision of quality services, and that have been carefully considered in terms of the instrument's validity, reliability, psychometric limitations and appropriateness for use in a given situation or with a particular client.
R7.12 The Credentialed Professional shall protect the confidentiality and security of the tests or assessment, report, data, and any transmission of information in any form.
R7.13 Credentialed Professional obtain informed consent for assessments, evaluations, or diagnostic services, except when (1) testing is mandated by law or governmental regulations; (2) informed consent is implied because testing is conducted as a routine educational, institutional, or organizational activity (e.g., when participants voluntarily agree to assessment when applying for a job); or (3) one purpose of the testing is to evaluate decisional capacity. Informed consent includes an explanation of the nature and purpose of the assessment, fees, involvement of third parties, and limits of confidentiality and sufficient opportunity for the client/patient to ask questions and receive answers.
The Credentialed Professional inform persons with questionable capacity to consent or for whom testing is mandated by law or governmental regulations about the nature and purpose of the proposed assessment services, using language that is reasonably understandable to the person being assessed.
The Credentialed Professional using the services of an interpreter to obtain informed consent form the client to use that interpreter, ensure that confidentiality of test results and test security are maintained, and include in their recommendations, report and diagnostic or evaluative statements, including forensic testimony, discussion of any limitations on data obtained.
R7.14 The Credentialed Professional will not conduct evaluations with the primary purpose of determining guilt or innocence.
The Credentialed Professional shall assist in efforts to expand knowledge needed to serve the youth who engaged in sexually harmful behaviors more effectively.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R8.1 The Credentialed Professional ensures that research efforts meet rigid standards of validity and protection of confidentiality. The Credentialed Professional shall obtain prior consent from all research participants. In the event of conducting research with individuals who are unable to give informed consent, the Credentialed Professional shall document consideration between the potential subject's desire to participate and the legal guardian's consent.
R8.2 The Credentialed Professional will obtain consent and be aware of and responsive to all pertinent safety, ethical, legal and scientific guidelines when conducting research with human subjects. The Credentialed Professional shall protect the welfare of the research participants by taking reasonable precautions to prevent negative psychological or physical effects.
R8.3 The Credentialed Professional will credit those who contribute to research and publications in proportion to their contributions to the research project.
R8.4 The Credentialed Professional recognizes the openness and honesty are essential to relationships between professionals and clients. When a study's methodology requires concealment or deception, the Credentialed Professional will ensure that the participants understand the need for such action.
R8.5 The Credentialed Professional shall provide critical information to potential research subjects that will assist them in reaching a determination about participation. This information shall include the research's purpose, process, duration, potential consequences, and procedures as well as the participant's right to refuse or withdraw participation.
R8.6 The Credentialed Professional shall follow administration and interpretation protocols for tests and assessments, including the use of appropriate software if using electronic measures. The Credentialed Professional shall comply with identified security protocols when using published tests and assessments. The Credentialed Professional shall comply with intellectual property laws and other accepted publication guidelines. The Credentialed Professional shall comply with applicable guidelines when designing, conducting or reporting research, including those of an institutional review board.
The Credentialed Professional shall establish and maintain their professional competence at a level that ensures their clients will receive the benefit of the highest quality of services the professional is capable of offering.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R9.1 The Credentialed Professional will function within the limits of their defined role, training, supervised experience and technical competency, accepting only those positions for which they are qualified.
R9.2 The Credentialed Professional will continually strive to remain aware of developments, concepts, and best practice guidelines that are essential in the provision of high-quality treatment services through reading, attending professional meetings/trainings, and taking courses in instruction.
R9.3 When a question of competence arises, the Credentialed Professional will seek competent professional assistance to determine if they should limit, suspend, or terminate their professional activities.
R9.4 The Credentialed Professional shall seek professional assistance or withdraw from practice if their mental or physical condition makes it unlikely that the Credentialed Professional will be able to provide appropriate services.
R9.5 The Credentialed Professional who provides supervision, consultation, education, field instruction, or trains (whether in-person or remotely) should have the necessary knowledge and skill to supervise or consult appropriately and should do so only within their areas of knowledge and competence.
The Credentialed Professional is responsible for accurate reporting of information to the professional community.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R10.1 The Credentialed Professional does not fabricate data or falsify results in their reports or research. If the Credentialed Professional discovers errors in their information, they take reasonable steps to correct the information through retraction, erratum, or other appropriate actions.
R10.2 The Credentialed Professional does not present portions or elements of another's work as their own. The Credentialed Professional does not omit data that might alter other's interpretation of their work or the treatment process in general.
R10.3 The Credentialed Professional who educates other professionals will perform these educational activities based on careful preparation so that their work is accurate, up-to-date, and scholarly. The Credentialed Professional will maintain high standards of knowledge and skills by presenting information fully and accurately and by giving appropriate recognition of alternative viewpoints.
The Credentialed Professional promotes the general welfare of society through the treatment and rehabilitation of youth who may have challenges related to express sexual abuse or negative/harmful sexual abuse behaviors.
Rules of Professional Conduct
R11.1 The Credentialed Professional complies with these guidelines in the provision of public statements relating to their professional services, products, or publications. Public statements include but are not limited to paid and unpaid advertising, brochures, printed matter, directory listings, personal resumes, interviews or comments for use in the media, statements in legal proceedings, lectures, oral presentations, and published material.
R11.2 The Credentialed Professional does not make public statements that are false, deceptive, misleading, or fraudulent, either because of what they state, convey, or suggest or because of what they omit. The Credentialed Professional claims as credentials only degrees that have come from accredited universities/colleges, are recognized credentials by Advocacy and Training Alliance, LLC, and are directly related to the behavioral/mental health/social work field of study.
R11.3 The Credentialed Professional does not present credentials intended to promote, advertise, or otherwise attract business through titles, business cards, signature lines, or otherwise that are not relevant to the practice of youth with sexual behavior intervention or that may be false, deceptive, incomplete or misleading. Such credentials must be obtained from accredited institutions or recognized state credentialing associations and are based on legitimate curriculum coursework and supervised work experience
R11.4 The Credentialed Professional recognizes that only Advocacy and Training Alliance, LLC, can credential a provider in the State of Indiana to provide these professional services. Each Credentialed Professional will defer to Advocacy and Training Alliance, LLC as the governing body and authority for granting credentials through the certification process.
R11.5 The Credentialed Professional shall adhere to legal standards, state board regulations and shall not engage in unlawful discrimination.
R11.6 The Credentialed Professional who make statements in a public manner shall state that their opinions represent their personal views and not another organization unless officially authorized to do otherwise. Any public presentation by any means, shall ensure that statements are consistent with this Code of Ethics.
R12.1 The Credentialed Professional has an obligation to engage in continuing education and professional growth activities on a regular basis to ensure they maintain an awareness of advances in the field.
R12.2 The Credentialed Professional shall refrain from diagnosing, treating or giving advice about problems outside the recognized boundaries of their specific professional discipline(s) or training.
R12.3 The Credentialed Professional interested in developing new areas of competency shall attend a sufficient number of training sessions that address the newly adopted area of interest before offering or providing treatment or consultation services in that area. Credentialed Professional shall seek and receive appropriate supervision as they begin to practice in a new area of competency.
R12.4 The Credentialed Professional do not require students or supervisees to disclose personal information during course or program related activities, either orally or in writing, regarding sexual history, history of abuse and neglect, psychological treatment, and relationships with parents, peers, and spouse or significant other except if (1) the program or training facility has clearly identified this requirement in its admissions and program materials or (2) the information is necessary to evaluate or obtain assistance for students whose personal problems could reasonably be judged to be preventing them from performing their training or professionally related activities in a competent manner or posing a threat to the students or others.
R12.5 While providing trainings, the Credentialed Professional shall not share confidential information that might reasonably lead to the identification of a client, research participant, or other person or organization with whom the Credentialed Professional has a confidential relationship.
Referenced documents, statements and sources for the development of this Code include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Code of Professional Ethics for Rehabilitation Counselors
- National Academy of Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselors
- Ethical Standards of the American Association of Counseling
- Indiana Association of Behavioral Consutants Code of Professional Ethics
- Ethical Principles of Psychologists of the American Psychological Association
- Code of Ethics of the National Association of Sexual Workers
- National Board for Certified Counselors Code of Ethics
- Association for the Treatment & Prevention of Sexual Abuse