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Advocacy and Training Alliance provides structured training programs based on current research models recognized as “best practice.” The training provides a solid therapeutic foundation through didactic and experiential opportunities. Training is conducted by experts in conjunction with credentialed Advocacy and Training Alliance faculty.

Level 4: Foster Parent Certificate of Training

This training program is recommended for foster parents and provides information on safety for the child, family, and community. Foster Parents learn how sexually harmful behaviors develop and how to be an active part of the child's treatment team. Practical, effective and respectful plans to ensure safety are provided.

Circles of Safety®-the Stop It Now! training and technical assistance program-educates and supports adults and organizations responsible for providing safe and healthy environments for children. Based on violence prevention and bystander engagement research, as well as public health and adult education models, Circles of Safety delivers practical and customizable training that is easy to implement to prepare and guide adults to be active agents in children's safety planning at home, in the community, and in youth-serving organizations. Through Circles of Safety training tools and practice, adults learn to address barriers and misconceptions that may interfere with preventive actions. Adults can become more confident, comfortable, and knowledgeable about protecting children from sexual harm.  The training is to teach skills to prevent sexual abuse.

Stop it Now! Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Opportunities in Indiana:

Workshop 1 - Circles of Safety: Understanding the Role of Healthy Sexual Development and Education in Sexual Abuse Prevention 

This workshop presents key steps in child sexual abuse prevention. Understanding and promoting healthy sexual development for children in foster care settings is critical to helping them achieve increased health, safety, and well-being. By increasing participants' knowledge, confidence and comfort, participants will be able to better recognize and support children's sexual safety. Participants will learn how to use safety rules as tools to help keep children and youth safe.

This workshop is supported by Indiana DCS for Foster Parent Training Hours.
Continuing Education Credits are available ONLY through the Indiana Professional Licensing Association (CE License #- 98000590A)
This is NOT an NBCC related program.

Workshop 2- Circles of Safety: Understanding and Responding to Warning Signs

This workshop identifies behaviors in both children and adults that are warning signs that a child is at risk of being sexually abused or that a child is being sexually abused. Participants will be able to recognize and respond to warning signs specifically in adults' behaviors that may contribute to increasing the vulnerability of an environment. Communication tools for adults to talk with other adults about children's sexual safety will be introduced and practiced.

This workshop is supported by Indiana DCS for Foster Parent Training Hours.
Continuing Education Credits are available ONLY through the Indiana Professional Licensing Association (CE License #- 98000590A)

This is NOT an NBCC related program.

Interested in training, please contact us  - trainings are available via zoom or in person

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